[StarCraft] Terran “BB-BS” Blocking in Hunters (BGH)

1:00 (Marines born outside)

Standard Layout

BS back (w.r.t Standard Layout)

BB front (w.r.t Standard Layout)

3:00 (Marines born inside)

Standard Layout

BB front (w.r.t Standard Layout) (Marines come outside!)

5:00 (Marines born inside)

Standard Layout

6:00 (Marines born inside)

Standard Layout

7:00 (Marines born inside)

Standard Layout

BB, BS both back (w.r.t Standard Layout)

9:00 (Marines born outside)

Standard Layout

BB, BS both back (w.r.t Standard Layout)

BB front (w.r.t the above)

11:00 (Marines born outside)

Standard Layout

BS back (w.r.t Standard Layout)

BB front (w.r.t Standard Layout)

12:00 (Marines born outside)

Standard Layout

BS back (w.r.t Standard Layout)

BB front (w.r.t Standard Layout)

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